Stem Cells Therapy & Knee Pain

Stem Cell Therapy Shows Promising
Recovery for Stroke Patient

(According to The Guardian)

Stroke patients who took part in a small pilot study of a stem cell therapy have shown tentative signs of recovery six months after receiving the treatment.

Doctors said the condition of all five patients had improved after the therapy, but that larger trials were needed to confirm whether the stem cells played any part in their progress. Scans of the patients’ brains found that damage caused by the stroke had reduced over time, but similar improvements are often seen in stroke patients as part of the normal recovery process.

Regenerative Medicine For Knee Pain

The regenerative medicine shot for knee pain is an innovative and promising therapeutic treatment option for knee pain and other joint and ligament conditions affecting literally millions of people like yourself.

Are you suffering from cartilage degeneration, chronic knee pain or osteoarthritis? Don’t suffer needlessly or risk expensive and invasive surgery. Consider knee stem cell therapy as a way to help gain back the quality of life and mobility you once had.

Who knows, you might be back on your favorite tennis court or golf course before you know it!

This alternative to surgical solutions has shown the potential to be an impressive long-term solution to the knee and other joint pain and associated underlying issues.

That said, for some US residents, it might not be the right course of action. We encourage you to take the time to understand your symptoms and listen to your body in order to help to uncover underlying causes of your condition.

An experienced and caring doctor will discuss the circumstances of your injury or chronic condition, exampling painful or symptom-prone areas, and review diagnostic imaging (when necessary) in order to make an individualized recommendation specific to your situation and body.

Medical professionals may discuss with you various studies or applications that have shown significant improvement in reducing knee pain and improving knee cartilage health and regeneration following various stem cell treatments and how those may be applicable to your issues.

Think of stem cells as the “construction workers” of your body’s own natural repairing and regeneration mechanism. When something gets broken or damaged, either due to overuse, injury or disease, stem cells (in some cases) have the ability to repair and heal that damaged tissue without the need for surgery.

In fact, regeneration by way of stem cells is one of the primary healing mechanisms found naturally in the body. As it relates to knee tissues however, natural stem cell healing can be a challenge for your body.

Knee and surrounding tissues such as joint cartilage and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) get little in the way of blood supply. This means that your body isn’t as capable of adequately delivering stem cells and other nutrients to those areas in order to initiate natural healing.

What You Should Know About Stem Cells

You’ve heard about them in the news, and perhaps have even read about them in AARP or Readers Digest…but did you know that stem cell therapy isn’t just science fiction anymore? This innovative medical marvel is both a readily available and highly effective therapeutic tool that can be used for a broad range of ailments.

(Read on to learn more about how stem cell therapy might be able to help you or a loved one improve the quality of their lives and avoid costly surgical operations.)

Remember playing with Lincoln Logs as a kid or Legos with your grandchildren? Well, stem cells are similar in that they are the body’s “building blocks”. Stem cells are those cells from which all other types of cells come from.

When subjected to the right conditions, these miracle cells can be manipulated to “regenerate” and multiply into cells with any number of desired specialized functions.

This process is called differentiation. And therein lies the medical marvel. Stem cells can be nudged to differentiate into any number of cell types needed such as:

Bone cells, Cartilage cells, Cardiac/heart cells, Neurons/Brain cells, And more…

While stem cells have been exciting scientists and the medical community for years, only recently have they become an available option for individuals such as yourself to consider. With stem cells has come incredible advancements in regenerative medicine as a mainstream therapy for a diverse range of medical conditions.

What does that mean?

“Regenerative Medicine” utilizes your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Exciting isn’t it?

Imagine if you were possibly able to avoid invasive and dangerous surgeries or treatments, and instead, helping your body to heal itself.

Both scientific and clinical studies have demonstrated the potential of stem cells to effectively regenerate various tissues, offering patients the opportunity to seek out stem cell therapy as a possible alternative to surgery.

This type of therapy is showing particular promise as it relates to improving the quality of life for those suffering with:

 Neuromuscular issues, Joint issues, Knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, neck, back, hand, wrist, foot, and ankle issues

When was the last time you rolled out of bed pain-free or able to go for a brisk walk without your hip, knee, or other joint causing you discomfort?

What if that could all be remedied or improved with Regenerative medicine? Sometimes referred to as stem cell therapy, it can be used to promote the repair and regenerative response to injured, diseased, or dysfunctional tissues.

Stem cells may be able to help promote your body’s natural ability to heal conditions such as:

Torn cartilage or ligaments, Osteoarthritis, Bulging or herniated discs, Failed surgeries, Carpel tunnel syndrome, And more…

Over the years researchers have discovered a number of potential sources for stem cells: Umbilical Cord.  But wait, isn’t umbilical cord blood only available during the birth of a child?

You would be correct, but you don’t need to have a late-life child in order to benefit. With the consent of parents who want to help others, the umbilical cord can be collected from the cord of a newborn baby shortly after birth and safely stored in tissue banks until needed.

As the name suggests, these stem cells come from developing embryos. Though versatile and effective, embryonic stem cells are controversial given that they result in harvesting from developing embryos. We would not offer this even if it were legal.

Stem cells can, in fact, be found in most adult tissues. However, the concentration of stem cells is low, and as compared to umbilical cord stem cells, the adult version is quite limited in their ability to differentiate into other types of tissues. This makes them a less ideal option for regenerative medicine.

As it relates to regenerative medicine, Wharton’s jelly is often the preferred treatment option. This is jam-packed with the ability to provide cushioning and structural support as well as viscosity and a host of other great aspects. They are also easy to collect and rarely carry infectious diseases. Not to mention they are only around half as likely to be “rejected” by your body when compared to adult stem cells.

HUCT – This method is being phased out as an option – it is likely to be categorized as a drug and will fall under the uses and constraints accordingly. This will deliver Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) used by our clinic are those cord stem cells that are “immune system privileged”, meaning that rejection by your body is a non-issue and removes the need for HLA (human leukocyte antigen) matching.

Why operate when you can regenerate? Here is what we mean. You should look into this type of service before surgery because if you can avoid surgery due to this service then you definitely want to see if that is a possibility – Right?

No one should have to live with chronic pain, discomfort or reduced mobility as a result of musculoskeletal, tendon or ligament disease, damage or impairment. Yet, for those of us middle-aged and up, daily aches and pain are often a constant most of us have to live with.

Alternative options such as joint replacement surgery might be covered by surgery, but the risks, downtime, rehabilitation, and other potential downsides are not for everyone.

Surgery Involves Invasive procedures, Dangerous anesthesia, Risk of infection, Rehab and physical therapy,

Alternatively, regenerative medicine offers an alternative therapeutic aid that leverages your body’s own ability to repair itself, helping promote healing, wellness, and quality of life.

Reach out to us today. We would love to learn more about how we can help.